Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

The Forgotten Hand Lifts The Heaviest Stone

The Forgotten Hand Lifts The Heaviest Stone

Wow that sounds pretty pompous doesn’t it? For those who see this on my website you may wonder why the picture chosen is of a dump truck pouring stones onto a beach, for those who get this in the newsletter you now know the picture is a dump truck. The answer is because I was struck by the simplicity and “truth” of the moment.

For those who don’t know I routinly take trips out to Mountauk Point to watch the sunrise, the image from last weeks blog was a picture I took last year on, I think, New Years Day. This morning I did the same and got a few pictures which will be up on my twitter at some point.

Get to the point Wallace.

The point is, while I was sitting on that cool beach watching the sun peep between a cage of clouds I saw this dump truck pull up and dump a load of stones on the beach. Montauk point is a rock beach but the winds and waves erode tons of sand and stone every year shrinking the beach incredibly.

Or they would, were it not for the construction crews who do the very difficult and perhaps dangerous task of restoring it. And if I had not arrived today, had I arrived perhaps tomorrow or last week as I initially intended would I have seen this?

Likely not.

Would I have benefitted from their labor?


How often do I, do any of us benefit from unseen labor, how often are we favored by hands forgotten?

Every second of every day I wager. If your life is running smoothly it is likely you are unaware of the thousands of people who had to do their job well to make it so. And it is when such things are disrupted, such as during natural disasters, that we inanimately understand how much we rely on them. Truckers, tree cutter, electricians, plumbers, just to name a few. “Essential Workers” we called them in the U.S. during the pandemic.

And too often when the immediate need passes we forget them, forget how important they are to our success and prosperity.

So today I thought I’m not going to highlight the sun, or the waves, or the beautiful plants and ugly seagulls. I’m going to take a picture of a dump truck, waddling backwards down the beach to unload tons of granite so that I have a beach to admire the sun from.

So thank you, and the legion of works I too easily forget and take for granted. Thank you.

And thank you my dear readers. Take care and God bless;

~S. Wallace

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Stephen Wallace