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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.



That’s your inspirational quote of the day, that’s it , go home.


In all honesty, I often listen to videos on and read books on philosophy and the philosophies of specific people. there is a Youtube video series on C.S. Lewis philosophies for instance. Such things help center me as much as expand my sense of self and it helps me release a lot of the tension I experience and order my mind.

It is a rewarding experience but I will caution, delving into such things often leads to greater anxiety and my personal opinion is if a philosophy/ideology/what-have-you is causing you greater emotional turmoil the more you understand it there is probably something flawed there.

Personal opinion.

That being said I was listening to one that said, essentially, yes people are dumb, but you are too. And that struck me as something very real, and more importantly, something that we too often forget.

This isn’t an attack on humans in general, I’m not one of those people who likes to declare “humanity a virus” or anything of the sort. Instead it’s a recognition that people are ignorant emotional creatures and when one is acting in a fashion you find disruptive or uncomfortable it is good to remember this.

More importantly it is good to remember you are that same ignorant, emotional creature and have been the cause of discomfort for others as well. In those situations you hope that those dealing with you will have three things. Patience, wisdom, and empathy.

That being the case, afford those things to others as well. We cannot guarantee we will have the wisdom, right, someone may be going through matters we do not know and do not understand hw to solve. But patience and empathy? That’s a choice. We choose whether or not to afford patience, we choose whether or not to place ourselves in another’s position and grant them our good will.

The point of the advice is to remind us to take a step back when we find ourselves in these challenging situations and offer the patience and empathy we would hope to receive in the same situation.

We all, I suspect, have been the cause of problems, have acted rashly, have taken out our feelings on the wrong person or simply been to ignorant to solve the mater at hand. And, yes, it is up to us to do what we can to rectify our short comings but the empathy and support of those who had to deal with us in those situations is one of the greatest things we can have in that situation.

So, be that person. The person who approaches someone being dumb with patience, empathy and hopefully a lot of wisdom.

I hope this was enlightening my dear readers. Take care and God bless;

~S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace