Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

I Didn't Labor But You Probably Did

I Didn't Labor But You Probably Did

In the United States the first weekend of September is Labor Day. A day reserved to commemorate the hard work done by the people who keep our society running and the sacrifices made along the way to get us to the place we are now.

It’s a national holiday, schools are closed, banks are closed, the government is closed all to honor those hard laborers.

Those hard laborers who probably did not get the day off. You, specifically you reading this probably do not have Labor Day off.

So as one of the people who had the luxury of taking the day off and doing things like take pictures of crickets thank you for your hard work and sacrifice.

And thank all those who came before us, the people that were beat, jailed, and killed so we could have such radical things as eight-hour shifts or a weekend to recover from endless toil.

Despite all the difficulties and terrible things that we must endure in the modern era and the abject abuse in the modern work force we have come so very, very far. Further in some countries and some industries than others, and certainly not far enough. However we have come quite far and that is all thanks to the hard working people like you who keep the lights on, flip the burgers, and work when everyone else gets to stay home and Bar-B-Que.

So from the bottom of my heart to the top of my spirit thank you my dear readers;

~S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace