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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

For Sacrifices Made

For Sacrifices Made

Here in the U.S., yes I am committing a cardinal sin by identifying my country of residence, it’s Memorial Day. A Day where we recognize the sacrifices made by soldiers to safeguard our freedoms and security.

Many countries have similar days of recognition for we all understand the great heroism of those who died that we would posses the lives that we do.

It may be traditional, perhaps, to say. “Happy Memorial Day.” And I have said it myself in many years past and on this very day. However I come to think that may be wrong.

I understand the human need to mark loss with celebration. This life we lead is why sacrifices were made. It is the same instinct that has us celebrate the arrival of the weekend after long days of work.

However we must be careful not to loose track of the purpose of our celebrations. Not forget, “the sacrifices made.”

Enjoy yourselves my dear readers, this day and all days you enjoy the fruits of others sacrifices be it a day of recognition or a day you are able to purchase groceries in peace for any day of peace was bought by the life of a soldier.

However, also do not forget. Remember the loss others have suffered, the families rent asunder and blood that fertilizes the soil our privileges spring from. Today we give first recognition to the soldier but there are so, so many to thank for the freedoms we enjoy and the sacrifices made. We honor those sacrifices by remembering them, by living the life they would have been happy to see, by not letting those hard fought freedoms erode and by making a world where no one need die to maintain them.

So, happy Memorial Day my dear readers, and my you never forget the sacrifices of those who came before. Thank you and God bless;

~ S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace