Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

Everyday You Matter

Everyday You Matter

If you’re like me, and most humans for I too am a human like you, you sometimes get worn down by the sheer mundanity of Life. Doing the same thing in and out and never seeing the point of it all. Which is why I feel the need to remind you. “Everyday you matter.”

That’s why I chose the picture I did for this missive. For those who cannot see it, it’s of a lighthouse. I have to think that the people who monitor and operate such structures spend a great deal of time doing the same mundane things day in and day out all for the chance, for the moment where their constancy will be necessary.

However I believe that is everyday. That is you, everyday. Not just the day when the storm comes and you need to be the hero. Those days you know you are needed, but even the mundane days. How many days would people sail out beneath the watchful strobe of the lighthouse without fear of storm’s to come because it was there to guide them home or warn them of danger should things turn for the worst.

How often has seeing your favorite barista at a coffee shop brightened your day? Or your neighbor walking their dog, or a bus driver returning your children safely to home. Those are all mundane things for the doer, but in that moment for you it is the thing you most need.

And when you are the one dong that simple mundane thing, living your day in and out even you are making such a difference in the lives of others. There are smiles that are born only because you bring them.

Take heart my dear readers, please, and remember these words in those moments of ennui. Everyday you matter.

Thank you and God bless;

~S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace