Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

Hug Your Loved Ones

Hug Your Loved Ones

I apologize that the previous week lacked both a weekly missive and a snippet of fiction, I simply could not bring myself to do either.

Not far from where a live a tragedy befell a community that wished only to be left in peace. It is the unfortunate truth of our world that with that vague description I could be referring to any number of tragedies, man-made or otherwise.

I felt sick, and more it felt sick to simply post up another happy scrawl wit that echoing in the air.

Likewise I had no intention of going on some political rant. This is not the place for my soapbox. This is a place of story, and empathy. Or I try to make it such a place.

Still, I cannot leave it pass without some comment, without expressing myself in some fashion. So I remind you of this simple thing. “Hug your loved ones.”

Now, hugging isn’t always an option, and different people express affection differently so please do not feel I am attacking you if physical affection is not your love language. However, one need only look at the world as it is to see exactly how fleeting life really is. Too often we allow long periods to slide by without expressing to our loved ones what they mean to us.

So be it a hug, or a kiss. Be it flowers or a power drill. Whatever it is you do and your loved one’s need do that, because yo never know if it will be the last chance you have to.

Thank you my dear readers, and God bless

~S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace