Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

If You Can't Do A Lot Do A Little

If You Can’t Do A Lot Do A Little

I have to thank my friend for this little bit. It surely is something you have heard before but it was just as surely something I needed to hear.

I’ll elaborate.

Of late I’ve been hitting this wall, with my writing most distressingly and with other projects as well.

In the way of these things as one does not do them, the pressure to do them mounts and the psychological inertia built up grows and grows until it feels like even starting it is too much because there is just so much to handle.

Having good friends I can be open and vulnerable with I mentioned my issue during our conversation and he said to me. “When I have a wall like that I dedicate to doing two minutes of work.” He chooses a number, an amount that is an incredibly small portion of the whole.

Like one brick when you need to build a house, hence the image accompanying this post.

By doing just that little bit it greatly reduces the psychological pressure built up around starting it and, inevitably, two minutes turns into four, four turns into ten and one finds themselves doing much more than they promised. It may not be as much as they feel they need to but as I have said before.

“Any progress is good progress.”

I needed that, that weight off my shoulders that reminder of the simple and vital truths. I do not know if any of you need that as well but I hope that when you do you’ll remember this missive and put down just one brick.

Thank you my dear readers and God Bless;

~ S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace