Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

Don't Be Lazy

Don’t Be Lazy

Now if you’re one of the three people who read my blog you may have noticed it’s coming in much later than ususal.

I’m usually done with the day job and home by about 17:00 and try to get this done and posted by 18:00. If I KNOW the job is going to keep me later I may put something together for my break.

Today I got home about 20:00 and you can imagine how that extra work leaves me a bit more frazzeled and how tempting it is just push it off to, tomorrow. I’m sure my three readers will forgive the delay. And just as I considered that the thought hit me.

Don’t be lazy.

Now I must clarify. I am not a workaholic or hyper productive individual. I am not arguing against rest, self care or pacing yourself wisely. We are incredibly complex biological machines struggling through a world constantly trying to wear us down. Our society, often, unjustly pressures us to spend every waking moment working as though not doing so is a violation of our social contract.

I am not talking about rest. I’m talking about laziness.

If rest is the gift you give yourself, laziness is the gift you rob yourself of.

I wasn’t in a situation where burn out demanded I stop. Nor in danger of prioritizing this, over my health by not, say, getting a reasonable amount of sleep or eating diner. This isn’t a situation where doing may be harmful. It was a case where the only argument for not doing was, “well no one will really care and I can just do it tomorrow, right?”

But am I right on either of those cases. Maybe my three readers will accept tomorrow’s missive as easily as today’s. Or maybe one will decide that if I cannot be bothered to scribble out a few words, they cannot be bothered to read them.

And what of tomorrow? Mayhaps I can do it tomorrow but what am I not doing by pushing the time allotted today, to tomorrow. What else gets pushed, swept aside or done poorly as a result?

And there I am. “Robbing Peter to pay Paul.” Taking from my future to reward my present.

Now if you can see the picture attached to this entry you can see that I am CERTAINLY not immune to lazily putting off for tomorrow things best done today. But I am trying.

And sometimes I write these blogs to you because I need to put my flaws out there so I work on them. ^_^

So don’t be lazy my friends. Don’t work yourself into an early grave but reward your future self by taking labor from them so they can enjoy the time they have.

Thank you my dear readers and God bless;

~S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace