Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

Too Many Books!

Too Many Books!

OK, you’re right, there’s no such thing as “too many” books but that is a small portion of my unread book pile, and it’s growing considering my friend just published anew book with another due out in like a month. So that pile is growing, exponentially as more of my friends become authors.

And I’m happy for. I’m happy to support my friend’s endeavors, particularly when doing so adds a bit of joy to my life.

Though really that wasn’t what made me think to take this picture.

I may be biased here but I feel there is a certain magic we give ourselves in the act of reading. I suspect you feel that way too as you’re reading this blog. However if you’re anything like me, you give yourself less and les time TO read. The challenges of the day eat up more and more of our time while movies and TV shows scream louder and louder for our attention. More series to binge, games to bet on, scandals unfolding.

More and more. Noisier and noisier. And those quiet magical moments to just open a book, or flick on a screen and read just slip away like sand between the fingers.

Sometimes I feel I haven’t the mental endurance to draw into a book and ingest the content there in so this is not an accusation or declaration that I’m better than you for finding time to read. It’s an admission I have the same flaws.

But a flaw recognized is a flaw that may be mended. And I intend to mend this flaw. And to you, my dear readers, my dear readers, if you haven’t picked up a book in some time I suggest you do. Of any sort. New or old, unread or curled with dog ears, be it comic, poetry, horror or documentary. Create a moment, a space for just you and the book, five minutes while drinking coffee, fifteen minutes lounging in the tub.

it maters not where or how, just that you do. And I suspect you will find it rewarding in your very soul to do so.

I know I do.

The author says read more, who woulda thunk, right?

May the week treat you well my dear readers. God bless;

~ S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace