Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

Don't Undervalue The Things You're Good At

Don’t Under Value The Things You’re Good At

We, humans, have a habit of undervaluing ourselves. Of hating ourselves really. We are humans, right? Let’s just say yes for the purpose of discussion, yes?

Too often people look down on themselves. They say they are worthless, evil, or a waste. But one doesn’t just decide “they’re worthless” one day. Barring mental issues and the like. Generally we create a laundry list of flaws, misgivings, and reasons to hate ourselves. “I’m too fat. I don’t have a job. I don’t have a boy-friend. I can’t drive. I ‘m lazy.” etc, etc.

And, certainly if you feel you have flaws you should identify them and work on them. Of that list previous there are some that a person can define tangibly and take steps to correct, others are more emotional supposition. Certainly there is something to be said about identifying your flaws and working on them but this isn’t that blog, maybe next week +-_^

This is about that list we create. And I do mean create because we decide what we value, and what’s on this list and how we fail it. But the issue is we don’t make the list of things that add value to ourselves.

And it’s not that we don’t do cool, or valuable things, we just don’t view it that way. The picture attached to this post is off a cute little prop made by a fried. It was a gift and it brings me a little smile every time I see it on my desk. Everyone has these cute little things, these wonderful traits, large and small that make us wonderful and beautiful people.

However because of our own self recrimination we tend to discard these things. We ignore the happiness we bring to others, the reliability we show in adversity, the fact that we are the best cook in the household or can always calm crying children.

These things you do, these things you succeed at are every bit as valuable as that list of things you hate yourself for. I dare say they are more valuable than that other list, because that other list gives you nothing but misery.

Don’t look for excuses to devalue what you do. Don’t create reasons to look down on yourself. Don’t build the case that you are worthless. There are enough people in the world who will attack you without cause. Advocate for yourself, and if you have a hard time doing that, I’ll advocate for you too.

Create that second list. Of the things you’re good at. The things you can do. Don’t turn on yourself.

Thank you my friends for allowing me this little slice of time to tell you, you’re better than you think. Take care and God bless;

~S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace