Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

Do The Thing You're Afraid Of

Do The Thing You’re Afraid Of

Well if that isn’t terrible advice I don’t know what is. To be clear, I am a risk averse person, I like weighing the pros and cons of a proposed action and minimizing the cons.

I sometimes insist the cons be minimized passed the point of reason and good sense because, really, there’s always another complication, another reason to say “no, not yet.”

But “not yet” swiftly becomes “not ever”.

So I’m not saying to throw caution to the wind and do dumb things. I’m saying to do “scary” things.

For me attempting to publish a book was scary. Maintaining the blog is scary. Asking people on dates is scary. The list goes on.

I certainly cannot say every time I have done the “scary thing” it has worked out to my preference. However I can say that it has mostly worked out for the better. I learn things about myself, meet people I otherwise never would have, gain experience that opened my mind, and achieved what I thought impossible.

Your fears inform you, they tell you what you are avoiding but it is up to us to learn why we avoid it, what we can learn from it and prepare ourselves to overcome it. The fear goes away when you do something about it and, often times, the fear of what may be is greater than the result of what happens.

So do the scary thing, just be smart about it.

Thank you my dear readers and God bless;

~ S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace