Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

It's Never Too Late To Celebrate

It’s Never Too Late To Celebrate

For those of you who do not or cannot see the attached picture its is a picture of the Epcot sphere from Walt Disney World.

Don’t worry, this isn’t a flood of photos from my trip to Florida, just the one.

A friend of mine was married over the pandemic, several friends in fact, and as such they were unable to have the kind of massive party, reception, and etcetera we associate with weddings to celebrate the union.

However his brother and the rest of us would not let that stop us from showing him how much we loved him and celebrating the great event.

Many people are in such a situation and it reminds me that despite the relentless march of time even things we feel are behind us need not be.

It’s never too late to celebrate. A wedding, a birth, a graduation, a life. Many people feel like the pandemic robbed them of the ability to celebrate the great things in life but really, it only put us on pause. Life continues, it marches on just as relentlessly as time and even when it ends we can celebrate it having been. We celebrate historic figures long after their death’s do we not? We can celebrate each other after our passing too.

And even if you can’t find anyone to celebrate with then celebrate your life. I know it may not feel worth it, that you may not feel worth it from time to time but you are a miracle. The statistical probability of you even existing to read this message is so close to zero as to make your life an impossibility. And yet, here you are.

So celebrate, celebrate the things you missed, celebrate the things to come, celebrate, love, loss, family and even you. And if it helps a little, I’ll celebrate you too.

Take care my dear readers and God bless;

~ S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace