Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

Workers Of The World Unite!

Workers Of The World Unite

I know that for some, with a title like that this feels like it’s going to be a blog trumpeting the undeniable virtues of communism but this really is nothing of the sort.

In America it is September 5th 2023 (at the writing of this blog) and that makes it a Labor Day. A Day where we celebrate.

Well, what exactly do we celebrate? Ask seven Americans and you might get 4 answers. Now I am not here to tell you the right answer, I’m here to talk about my answer. And my answer is you.

Labor Day is to thank you for the thankless grind you endure to keep this great country and to no small extent the world operating. Be it the food on our tables, the computer servers that host our websites, or the cars that we drive. These things only exist because others have worked diligently to keep it all going. We could not benefit from the great comfort and prosperity afforded us were it not for these people, were it not for you working so hard on our behalf.

So thank you, no mater what you do, even if you just do the incredibly difficult and unpaid job of raising children to be good people, thank you. Your work is recognized and I hope that today, and always we can see each other a the common coworker, act in cooperation instead of conflict and continue to make this country and this world a better place.

Thank you my dear readers, and God bless;

~ S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace