Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

You Can Make Things Better

You Can Make Things Better

For those who can’t see the picture, attached to this post is two pictures of the same strip of land across 15 years. In one it’s just a barren strip of earth, in the other is the same strip of land with trees, ferns, and shrubbery proliferating across the land.

That didn’t just happen, after years, and years of hard work and dedication a parcel of land that had been poisoned with heavy metals is beginning to grow once again.

So why bring it up Wallace?

Sometimes it’s easy to look out at the world around you and think. “Things are only getting worse. Thins can only get worse.”

And I get that, truly I do. Honestly I feel the same way sometimes.

That’s why I love seeing things like this. Moments, of victory, of humans being humane, or just wise. It is so very easy to ruin the world around us, and so very hard to make traction against that destruction. But we can make traction. We do make traction, and though it may not seem it, we’re making traction all over the world. Swaths of the rainforest are being replanted, tons of garbage is being pulled from the ocean, new laser technology may actually break down nuclear waste.

A lot of things are getting better. Not enough things are getting better but improvements are being made. Both on the small scale and on the scale of miles of poisoned hillside.

And those improvements need not be the sole action of some far off person no one will ever know. That person may be you. This isn’t me just saying “you can save the earth of you recycle plastic cups”. This is me saying you can truly make meaningful, lasting change that will improve the world if you can and choose to put in the considerable effort it requires.

Things are bad today, and they’re not going to get better by themselves. But you, my dear friend, you can make it better. Do not underestimate yourself.

Thank you my dear reader for humoring me and I hope this gives you at least a ray of hope. Take care and God bless;

~ S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace