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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

Who Is Your True Master

Who Is Your True Master

I am both sorry and gladdened that this missive goes out so late in the eve. Sorry because I really should have gotten to this earlier but gladdened because it allowed me to come up with something more interesting than I originally intended.

My Youtube watching habits are … eclectic, so that means sometimes I listen to religious figures and one said an interesting phrase. He was asked if doing something would make someone a “bad Christian” and he felt the proper response was, “You need to ask yourself who your true Master is.”

And that struck me.

Religious people have a sort of poetry in their speech, no? I try to effect something of that in the speech patterns of my minotaur character Urkjorman because he is religious; but I digress.

It is a kind of thought that has entered my mind before of course, “one cannot have two masters.”

But this wasn’t about loyalty, not exactly. Or maybe it was about loyalty to ideology.

I think, at this early point in the year with New Years resolutions echoing in our mind and trying desperately to be our better selves it is worth asking ourselves who our true Masters are.

Is it Capitalism, Veganism, Judaism, Feminism, Conservatism?

Are we living what we preach. Not to the outside world, but to our selves. Are we, “A good father, a charitable person, a patriot?” or any other of the thousand-thousand things we tell ourselves we are? This isn’t an accusation, this is an invitation for self reflection.

To be honest I cannot say I know that I am. I find my values, philosophies when they get into fist fights with each other. It’s easy to think you are a myriad of things until philosophy A has to give ground to philosophy B and philosophy A refuses to budge.

Such introspection is quite useful, it helps you know yourself and just as helpful it helps you choose the right goals and aim at the correct target. If you aim at something contrary to your nature you will either fail or be miserable. Which I suppose is just another kind of failure, no?

So my suggestion to you this day, and always, is pay attention to your internal conflicts, understand why one internal drive over comes the other and see what that teaches you about yourself. Even if it teaches you something you don’t like the knowledge will be invaluable, particularly if you intend to improve.

Trust me, I know that pain well.

So ask yourself, “who is my true Master.” And when you figure that out, maybe ask why.

I hope this has been as helpful for you to read as it has been for me to write. Take care my dear readers and God bless;

~S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace