Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

What Are You Consuming?

What Are You Consuming?

Though the picture is of some tasty chicken I made some time ago the question was "consume” not eat and that has to do with more than ‘food’.

Though food is important so I’ll use it to help display my thoughts. I have a running gag with my ex where I will randomly tell them, “drink more water.” They were(are) notorious for living on a diet of coffee and pop. Which, you may understand, is not particularly healthy. Your body needs water, it flows through, it greases your joints, smooths your skin and if you have a headache there’s a real good chance you’re dehydrated.

So, “drink more water.”

What you consume becomes part of what you are, or who you are as you consume ideas. So we must be quite careful of what we consume. It’s easy for us to simply let the world pour things into our psyche without considering if we should let it.

Understand I am not advocating for ignorance, not saying one should wall themselves off from contrary ideas. Especially contrary ideas.

But we do, as humans(you are human right?) have a dangerous tendency to zealously investigate what we are inclined to disagree with and accept without consideration what we’re inclined to agree with. And a mild inclination rapidly descends into a world of poisonous thoughts spreading through our minds.

Likewise, however, we consume things that enrich us, that make us wiser. Knowing how being dehydrated causes headaches has allowed me to solve many an irritable mood with time and H2O. My forays into various philosophies, religions and political theories have opened my eyes to my own weaknesses and given me new tools with which to approach the world.

On this very blog I’ve shared some of those tools with you in the hopes that you would find it as useful as I have. In my own life people have shared much with me and greatly improved my education. You might be surprised what one can learn about history over a bottle of red wine.

I ask that you question yourself, ask what you are consuming and if what you’re consuming is healthy? Does it make you feel ill, does it narrow your vision, does it cause headaches, does it open your eyes, does it teach you something you needed to know.

A friend of mine once said “school should be free so you can be learning forever.”

School isn’t free, but we can be learning forever. We’ve been gifted with these massive brains with an incredible capacity for learning and too often we erect walls in our psyche and refuse to grow.

So watch what you eat, if you’re always eating the same thing maybe step out of your comfort zone once in a while. Maybe you’ll find something brilliant. I know I did.

Take care my dear readers, and God bless;

~S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace