Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

Thoughts And Answers

Thoughts And Answers

I almost titled this “Thoughts And Prayers” cause it’s catchy but that would have the wrong implications and I didn’t want to make you think something traumatic occurred.

This will not be one of my deep “let’s get our lives together” blog posts, probably. I rarely know where these go when I start after all. Mostly I intend to keep the four of you in the know.

You may have noticed I did not send out a story Thursday (Third Thursday Tales) and it’s not that I forgot. A story is coming I assure you. I had a cool story staring Al and Urk (mostly Al) in the works and while writing it I came up with a better(I hope) story which I’ll send out this coming Thursday. I could have pushed out the replacement story Thursday but I promised not to half-arse these posts and I felt a few more days of polish were necessary.

That Al and Urk (mostly A) story is coming too. It will benefit greatly from a few weeks of polish. I know where it’s going but it wasn’t coming together well. This happens to me a lot, were you in my writer’s group you would know that I bounce between settings fairly often. If one is giving me trouble I go to wok ion another so I get something squared away.

When I’m not being lazy.

Speaking of Al and Urk the fifth story/second will be off to the editors in early January. If you’ve been counting you know there are three previously released stories. I presently have two and a third unreleased stories one completely ready.

So what does that mean?

It means I’ll be releasing some more Al’rashal and Urkjorman short(20K words or so) next year. And by some I mean all stories. That’s a lie. God willing There will be 3 new Al and Urk stories in the first half of the year, a re-release of the three previous in the later half and a seventh sort of “end of series” come next Christmas.

Junction City will be coming out next year too. I WANT the first issues out in Spring but that may become early Summer. Buried in the Void should be out or Shadow War Revelation by Autumn.

That looks like a lot but it isn’t really ands I guess this sounds more like a New Year’s resolution type post, did not intend that. But I just wanted to let the four of you know there is some cool(I hope) stuff on the way.

Christmas is around the corner and whether or not you celebrate I hope the coming days treat you well and fill you with love and good tidings. I’ve already talked about how these long days can feel darker than they are and how hope comes with the next sunrise. So on this, the longest night of the year I wish you only the warmest of evenings and the brightest of futures.

Thank you my dear readers and God bless;

~S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace