Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

This Is Not Candy

This Is Not Candy

For those of you who can’t see the picture attached to this blog post, it’s a picture of a bag of gummi bears. And yeah, the title says “this is not candy” so you might expect some sort of bait-and-switch with it being cake, or a picture, or something. But no, it’s a bag of gummi bears.

So why the title Verses if it is candy.

Because it’s not just candy, not really, not to me.

It’s a gift.

I talk, vaguely, about the kids I work with, about the impact (hopefully positive) I make on them, and the impact (hopefully positive) they make on me.

The nature of my job is such that I rarely work with the same children year-to-year but it is common for me to see/interact with them in following years. Cross paths at a sports game, or county fair, that sort of thing. As such I still chat with a few the kids, they tell me what books they’re reading, we talk about upcoming movies, etc.

And one of them gave me this, a bag of candy.

I’m always touched when one of the children gives me a gift, particularly the very old and the very young ones because they probably weren’t prompted by a parent. But this child is only tangentially connected to me, and they still chose to pull a few bucks out of their wallet buy me some candy and pass it to me. That’s a huge deal to a child.

It always amazes me that I can make such a large impact on these young minds and I pray, dearly, that I am worthy of it.

I know I’ve said this before but I feel it bears reminding. We may never really understand the impact we have on others, particularly the young and impressionable. And seeing as we don’t, best to try your best. After all, you may get some free candy out of it.

I hope you found this as cute and heart warming as I did. Take care my dear readers and God bless;

~S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace