Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

A Missive Late Delivered

A Missive Late Delivered

The four of you who read my blog may have realized it was dispatched/arrived late.

There are reasons of course. I had a blog planned yesterday, some thoughts going into some small kernel of my craft. However it simply wasn’t crystalizing, and I did promise not to deliver something without substance, or at least something that would be fun.

I can, of course, blame how terribly busy I am, but aren’t we all and it wouldn’t exactly be honest, not really.

So what’s the deal?

I was having too much fun. And that is not to say these blogs aren’t fun. They are, they are also enlightening to myself. You might be surprised how many problems I work out in the course of writing these. Or perhaps not if you’ve ever produced a blog or kept a diary/journal for yourself.

But I digress.

I was not putting aside enough time to do the things I needed to do, or not utilizing the time that I had. I was enjoying myself, and that of itself is not a bad thing. I have oft argued that one needs a healthy amount of fun in their life. But the key word their is healthy, isn’t it?

If having fun is preventing you from doing things you need and want to do then are you having a healthy amount of fun?

That is not a judgement upon you my dear readers. It is a question only you can answer for yourself.

For me, however, the answer is no. I have let my work-life balance slip a little off kilter and it’s past time I corrected.

You should not be left wanting because I was having a good time. My apologies, to you and to myself.


Thank you for your patience and support my dear readers. Take care and God bless;

~S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace