Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

Thine Eyes

Thine Eyes

A little something different this Third-Thursday. I usually give an excerpt from one of my works in progress or a short story set in one of those settings. However this is National Poetry month and though I am terrible at poetry I felt in honor of the month I should share this. So without further preamble.

Thine Eyes

Oh Thine Eyes

What fire do I see behind thine eyes

What ikntensity that burns and shines

That intellect

That passion

That waits behind thine eyes

Oh thine eyes

That builds heat bellow

That smolders

That grows

Of thine eyes

Oh thine eyes

That I could fan the flame

That all would know your shine

And love as I the fire behind thine eyes


I hope this brief divergence from my usual fair is welcome my dear readers and it stirs in you some echo of the emotions it stirred in me. Happy National Poetry Month my friends.

Thank you and God bless;

~S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace