Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

Reflections On A Year Gone By

Reflections On A Year Gone By

My previous post was about the year to come, so now with the New Year just about the corner it seems the appropriate time to look back.

Looking backward is dangerous. Too easily will we look back and see what could have been. Will we see our flaws, our mistakes and beat upon ourselves for our short comings.

There is value in looking back and counting our mistakes. It keeps us humble, we remember mistakes so as not to repeat them. But we must not LIVE in our mistakes. Our mistakes are to push us forward not hold us back.

So what do I have to look back on? A year where I retained my health. One where I was able to reconnect with friends that I was unable to before. I year where I made significant progress in my writing, both in volume and quality. I continue to make positive impressions on the people around me and have helped friends better their lives.

I have not written as much as I should, I intended to publish last year and did not, I have not been as kind as I could have when others needed me to nor as emotionally honest as I could be.

Have to mark the bad with the good.

Oh and haven’t been as on time with my posts. That’s certainly something I must improve on. All in all, though, not the most terrible list of things to improve on and I have confidence I will. I suspect that if you look to your own life you will see much the same.

And if you can’t, then just pick one thing, one thing you can do better and will put the effort into doing better. Not some huge goal like a New Year’s resolution. Something simple, like getting more sleep or drinking more water. The Great Wall Of China was built one brick at a time and your life can be improved in the same way.

So let’s go forward into the next year, and make those small changes that will most help us do better.

See you next year my dear readers, thank you and God bless;

~Verser Wallace

Stephen Wallace