Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

I Feel Like Twilight

I Feel Like Twilight

No, not that Twilight, no not that other one either. Perhaps I should back up a bit and explain.

I did say some time ago that I do not plan these things, in fact I’m pretty sure that is the title of a previous post. Of late, however, for some reason I cannot fathom I’ve used the experiences of the day, or past week to relate a bit of (I hope) wisdom.

I share with you what I’ve learned, come to realize, or something I have long known but has recently become useful once more.

So there I was, leading up to this post and thinking. “Oh no, I haven’t found some pearl of wisdom to relate to my four readers! I must think of something!”

But must I?

And that’s why I feel like Twilight … Sparkles. Who, for the uninitiated is a My Little Pony character. In brief the show followed a simple format where a problem arises, friendship solves it and Twilight sends a letter about it. until one ep comes and there is no friendship lesson so she panics and tries to cause some issue so she can write about it. In the end the lesson is, of course, not to try to force a problem, to create a lie to keep up appearances.

I’m sure the meta of that episode was the writers deciding to no longer use that format, but the lesson remains sound.

So here I am thinking I have to “make something up” and realizing like Twilight I’m trying to force something, create an issue or a circumstance where none is just to maintain appearances. And well there is a LOT wrong with that.

Least of all this blog is really about you learning a bit about me and me using as vehicle to advertise my work. However far more important than that I will not create the habit of lying to you. A message delivered in earnest is infinitely more useful than one delivered to fill the void. If you are someone who genuinely gets help from reading my little blurbs about life and me philosophizing about the best course of Life then anything I put up here that is not genuine will be of no use to you, make things worse for you.

So no words of wisdom today, not really. Just a promise. I will only share here things I think may be helpful and valuable to you, and ya know advertising, but I’m not going to make stuff up or phone it in just to hit my blog on time. You deserve better than that.

Thank you and God bless;

~S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace