Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

Welcome To The ... List?

Welcome To The List?

First off, for those who may be wondering, my time in Florida was fantastic.

I am not at liberty to go into fine detail so as to protect he identities of the scoundrels I associate with but I can certainly tell you it was fun and a welcome vacation. I have never been the sort to travel too much, mostly the result of economics, and then the pandemic did much to restrict movement. It was good, real good, to get away from my home and see some place else.

Thankfully I have a few more trips lined up in the near and not too near future so I’ll be able to indulge my wander lust again, and I quite look forward to that. While in Florida I managed to catch up with old friends, family I hadn’t seen in a decade or more and eat delicious food. For better or worse I didn’t do much touristy stuff but that just saves something to do next time.

Of course all that doesn’t explain the title of this post, now does it? Well I just wanted to welcome our FITH subscriber to the newsletter!

I swear I will not do this for every subscriber, if things go well such things will happen much too quickly for me to do a blog post for each one, but I felt this was a fun little thing to chat about. Every person that decides they enjoy my rambles enough to join the newsletter fills my heart with a little more happiness and gives me a little more reason to pursue this crazy author thing.

It also tells me I need to work harder at the whole advertising thing, but, baby steps. As I tell my friends all the time “any step forward is the right step forward.” and I’m sure I’ve mentioned on this blog before that we need to count the small victories along the way not just the large ones.

This, is a small yet significant victory. Thank you and welcome to the … um … the … empire? Huh, I’m going to need a snappy name for followers that doesn’t sound too much like something else (which is why I can’t use Versers) to describe those who have decided to come along for the ride.

Well, welcome to the list either way and thank you. And thank you all, take care and God bless;

~ S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace