Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

Stop Arguing With The Voices In Your Head

Stop Arguing With The Voices In Your Head

This could probably have also been labeled “Let It Go” but I didn’t want to be sued by Disney +-_^

So, what am I talking about?

We all carry baggage, unless you don’t in which case God bless you but the rest of us carry baggage. Often times that manifests as “voices” in our head. Not in the sense of a person who hears voices and doesn’t know if they’re real but in the sense of hearing a disapproving parent, or an opposition politician telling you what you’re doing is wrong.

I am not saying to cast off any connection to your personal history and ignore the wisdom, criticism, or advice of others if it discomforts you. I am saying not to argue with it, not to get into combative relationship with the voices in your mind.

Memories are supposed to teach us, guide us and warn us, not admonish us, belittle us, and restrain us. However if you’re anything like me, you sometimes find yourself debating, quite aggressively, with those memories. You may find yourself growing upset, angered, or sad at the recriminations levied on you by those voices.

But those are all your voices. You’re not arguing with your father, your boss, your little sister. You’re arguing with yourself, and doing so because some part of you wants to tell you something.

So figure out what that is, and let it go. Use it as the teachable moment it should be and leave the argument behind. In this way, hopefully, you can separate the advice from the attacks and take with you what will help you and not what will drag you down.

I hope this advice helps you when you find yourself at war with your own.

Be at peace my dear readers. Thank you and God bless;

~ S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace