Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

New Page, Old Treasure

New Page, Old Treasure

This will be a boring blog post I am sad to say. But before we get to the boring part I want to give three thanks.

One: Thank you to all of those who bought my first book A Meeting Of Monsters still available as an ebook on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Meeting-Monsters-Family-Thunder-Story-ebook/dp/B09TS4H8RG/

Two: Thank you for all those who took the time to read it. I hope you found it as enjoyable read as I did to write.

Three: Thank you for all who gave it a rating or review. Such things are the life’s blood of an author and our series as more than anything else it helps others discover our stories and decide if they’ll give it a chance.

So, again, thank you all for the support you’ve given me, it means so much to me and makes all the hard work worth while.

Now the boring stuff. I’ve done a little bit of re-organizing over at the whole home website and added a page called Fragments Of Fiction (https://www.swallaceworks.com/fragments-of-fiction). In a way Fragments of Fiction is a sub blog. It collects all the short story snippets that I’ve produced over the year so that if you’re of a mind to simply read through the prose you don’t need to comb through miles of blog posts to see it. As Fragments grows I will split it off into sub sections for each of the settings so you can wander down one road or another at your leisure.

So a short one for you today my dear reader, but I think a worthwhile little thing. I hope this missive has found you in good spirits and that should you be one of our newcomers to the email list you take a stroll through the fragments to enjoy any prose you may have missed..

Thank you and God bless;

~S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace