Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

It's A Snake!

It’s A Snake!

Plant! It’s a snake plant. I think. There was no label on the pot when I bought it.

Still it is representative of a few important steps that I’d been pushing off far too long. Fear, anxiety, low mental endurance. I cannot say what exactly was holding me back or got stuck in my head but I needed something.

“If what you’re doing isn’t working, do something else.”

As the saying goes.

So I looked to projects and goals I had put off to a rainy day for one reason or another and tackled those. Most were simple things like clean this room, throw out old papers, etc. But one of them was “buy some plants.”

Snake Plants exist at a really cool cross-section of “hard to kill”, “good for purifying the air”, and “does well indoors.” All things good for someone with a spotty record of keeping plants alive.

So why do I share all this? For one it’s been quite some time since I’ve sent a missive, for another I hope that my experience of getting past my own roadblocks by attacking other problems may be of use to you.

Also I have some interesting ideas for more stories that I trust you’ll find interesting. Both science fiction stories which, despite the fact my current crop is fantasy with Urban Fantasy likely dropping next SciFi is my preferred genre both to engage in and create. (Sci-Fantasy really but why be pedantic?)

So I thank you my dear readers for being patient, and forgiving and I hope the rewards to come will make it all worthwhile.

Thank you, and God bless;

~ S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace