Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

Hopes And Dreams

Hopes And Dreams

Quite the pretentious title huh? I do that a lot I find, but it sure is catchy.

So what’s this missive about? A bit of catch up, a bit of a round up. no one big thing has stuck in my mind, but a bunch of little things are rolling around the surface and they all seem to connect with hopes and dreams so here we are.

The other day, yesterday at the point this is written, I set to work about my house doing a bunch of things I’d been putting off. Yes, as I’ve said before I need to get better at taking my own advice as it comes to not putting things off. Tat being said I got quite a bit done.

I do not know if I did as much as I should have done but I’m fairly certain I did as much as I could have done, and if that is the case then I did the best I can. And really, “the best you can” is all anyone should ever expect of you especially yourself. I finished the day quite satisfied with what I did and, unfortunately, that is not often the case. It is my hope, perhaps dream for that to be a more common occurrence for myself and for you as well.

Secondly I’ve had quite the creative surge of late. I find myself perpetually drawn to the keyboard to get my ideas into text, in fact I had to pull myself away from that to write this very missive. I write, a lot, but this itch I’ve had of late is invigorating and greater than I have had fort quite some time. Writing has been a lot of fun lately. Not just enjoyable, not just satisfying but fun and it has been too long since it felt that way.

That also means that Faith And Blood is well on its way to finishing its final pass of edits and I have every confidence it will be released on time, by next week’s email the pre-order link should be going out and it’ll be available on the 14th of May.

Of course Life is what it is, anything can happen between then-and-now so nothing is certain. However I hope that this continues and I dream of a world where you can enjoy the next story on time.

Thank you, my dear readers, for indulging me through this missive. I hope the coming week finds you well. Thank you and God bless;

~S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace