Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

And The Monsters Are Met

And The Monsters Are Met

Well it’s finally happened, after months of work, weeks of preparation and days of stress “A Meeting Of Monsters” hits digital book shelves, Amazon book shelves, today,

Now the “normal” thing to do would be to have some sort of launch party, maybe a Q & A with the author and a whole lot of fanfare.

I would also spend yet more time pimping book and encouraging you to buy.

And trust me I do want you to buy it, it’s a good story, but I have neither the energy or apatite for that. The weekend was fun yet exhausting.

Instead I’m going to tell you a ittle about where Al and Urk came from, from an author’s perspective, as I don’t think I’ve ever talked about that here.

As a rule of thumb I don’t like “subverting expectations for the sake of it” as, generally, people expect good things. But a few years ago there seemed to be a couple common threads in a lot of the fiction I consumed. Bad relationships, and stories ending when a couple get out of their own way and decide to be a couple. And I thought “why don’t we have more stories about loving couples? Why don’t we have more stories during the healthy relationship? Why do we, as a society, seem obsessed with broken relationships and bad couples?”

And, of course, the answer is because we like to see drama but not be IN it. Right, we like stories about mobsters and dirty cops but we don’t WANT mobsters and dirty cops.

Still, I am a romantic at heart, though I am poor at writing romance, so I decided to create the kind of story I wanted to see. I wanted to see a healthy supportive couple goin on adventures together and having fun.

They would not be perfect, of course, they had to have flaws, they had to have issues with others, themselves, and each other. They needed to be full rounded characters but at the heart of it I wanted to see an adventurous couple having adventures so I made it.

I will let you decide if I did a good job there, my opinion is a wee bit biased.

I hope the day has found you in good spirits, I hope that tomorrow treats you better than today, and I hope that if you are interested in action, adventure and fantasy with a smidge of romance you pick up my book “A Meeting Of Monsters" here: https://www.amazon.com/Meeting-Monsters-Family-Thunder-Story-ebook/dp/B09TS4H8RG/

Thank you my dear readers and God bless;

~S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace